Selected for CDP Climate Change A List for the Fourth Year in a Row
Obayashi Corporation has been selected for the fourth year in a row as Climate Change A List by CDP (*1), an international non-profit organization. CDP conducts annual surveys and analyses on companies' responses and strategies regarding climate change issues. The surveys evaluate companies on their levels of information disclosure, awareness, management, and leadership, and score them on an 8-point scale ranging from 'A' to 'D-'. In 2023, 346 companies worldwide and 109 companies in Japan, including our company, have been selected for the A-list as companies that make particularly outstanding efforts.

Obayashi has formulated the long-term vision, "Obayashi Sustainability Vision 2050," based on our philosophy of "contribution to realizing a sustainable society." In its vision, Obayashi has set "decarbonization" as one of its goals for the period 2040 to 2050.
To realize our vision, the Obayashi Group presented a business strategy to position "carbon neutrality" as a business opportunity in the "Obayashi Group Medium-Term Business Plan 2022," which started in fiscal 2022. We have also set new GHG emission reduction targets for FY2031.3 consistent with the Paris Agreement, and are promoting specific initiatives for GHG reduction throughout the Group.
In addition to efforts to reduce GHG emissions from our own business activities, we will provide green energy solutions to society at large by making the most of our experience and know-how we have cultivated in renewable energy business and other.
The Obayashi Group will continue to promote sustainability initiatives through its business activities with the aim of realizing a sustainable society and enhancing corporate value with all our stakeholders including our supply chain.
- *1 CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)
CDP is a non-profit organization established in 2000 and based in London. It requests top ranking market capitalization companies and municipalities in principal countries to disclose information on climate change, water and forests. They analyze and evaluate these information and discloses to the investors, companies and government. In 2023, more than 23,000 companies, representing two-thirds of the world's market capitalization, disclose information through CDP. CDP Web site