We are committed to addressing social challenges
with an eye toward realizing a sustainable society and enhancing corporate value.
Basic Policy
The Obayashi Basic Principles, consisting of the Obayashi Philosophy, Obayashi Code of Conduct, and Obayashi Three Pledges, apply to all officers and employees. We believe that our business activities themselves are the very practice of the Obayashi Basic Principles. We clearly define the Group's social responsibilities, taking account of the needs of our stakeholders and society. Then we work to solve social challenges. In June 2019, we established Obayashi Sustainability Vision 2050 (OSV2050). The Obayashi Group will work to achieve our vision for 2050, realizing the sustainability of the planet, society, and people.
Sustainability Promotion Framework
Obayashi implement corporate activities based on the Obayashi Basic Principles and pursue initiatives designed to help achieve corporate and social sustainability. To enable us to examine and discuss both these challenges, we established the Sustainability Committee (for issues related to environmental and social sustainability) as an advisory body to the Board of Directors and the Directors' Roundtable Meeting (for discussing sustainability- related issues, such as corporate governance and management strategy) as a subordinate forum to the Board of Directors. We determine our management policy for promoting sustainability based on discussions conducted in both forums.
On the business execution side, we have a system in place that consists of the Business Plan Committee commissioned by the president and under the jurisdiction of the Management Meeting, and expert committees in various sustainability-related fields that sit under the Business Plan Committee. These committees formulate and promote specific measures based on the management policies determined by the Board of Directors on the approach to the business portfolio, human resources and organizational strategy, and intellectual property strategy, among others. They also keep up-to-date with progress on the implementation of those measures and consult with the Board of Directors.

Information on Committees
Sustainability Committee | Review and discussion of environmental and social sustainability challenges and confirmation of their implementation status Head of the Committee: President Committees Convened: Twice per year or more |
Director's Roundtable Meeting | Review and discussion of corporate sustainability challenges such as corporate governance and management strategy. Chaired by: Chairman of the Board Meetings Convened: |
Management Meeting | Reports, deliberates, gives instructions on and resolves important management matters including sustainability challenges. Chaired by: President Meetings Convened: About 30 times per year |
Business Plan Committee | Formulates execution policies relating to sustainability issues and manages progress. Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for business plan Committees Convened: About 12 times per year |
Human Rights Expert Committee | Resolves human rights issues and promotes human rights awareness based on the Obayashi Group Human Rights Policy. Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for the Human Resources Department Committees Convened: Annual regular meeting plus more as needed |
Human Resource Management Expert Committee | Promotes the implementation of personnel systems, effective use of human resources, pursuit of diversity, and other efforts based on the Obayashi Group Human Resource Management Policy. Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for the Human Resources Department Committees Convened: As needed |
Public Relations Strategy Expert Committee | Develops strategies and policies on internal and external corporate communication. Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for the Corporate Communications Department Committees Convened: As needed |
Environmental Management Expert Committee | Formulates strategies and promotes environmental management based on the Obayashi Group Environmental Policy, compiles information on and evaluates the results of activities based on our environmental management system (EMS), and sets targets for and promotes activities in the subsequent fiscal year and beyond. Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for the Environmental Management Division Committees Convened: Twice per year or more |
Supply Chain Management Expert Committee | Develops strategies and policies on domestic and international supply chain management including cooperating companies based on the Obayashi Group CSR Procurement Policy. Head of the Committee: Head of Building Construction Division Committees Convened: Once per year or more |
Technology Strategy Expert Committee | Acquires, protects, and utilizes intellectual property rights and formulates intellectual property strategy by organically linking technology development strategy with business strategy, all based on the Obayashi Group Intellectual Property Policy. Head of the Committee: Head of Technology Division Committees Convened: Three times per year or more |
Productivity Enhancement Expert Committee | Promotes the visualization and improvement of productivity across the Company, deploys and monitors the ROIC reverse tree, and promotes reform of organizational culture.
Head of the Committee: Executive Officer responsible for the Corporate Strategy Division Committees Convened: As needed |
Initiatives for Sustainability
ESG Initiatives
From the view point of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), we are clarifying and promoting initiatives to solve social challenges and realize a sustainable society. We have issued corporate bonds (ESG bonds) limited in funds to solve social issues such as environmental problems.
In August 2013, Obayashi Group joined the UN Global Compact. We support the ten principles relating to areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. We will promote our business activities with a high sense of responsibility and global perspective in order to promote responsible business to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
Initiatives to Contribute to Achieving SDGs
Obayashi Group aims to realize sustainability of "the Planet, Society, and People," and will steadily contribute to achieving SDGs through promotion of ESG management.
* Please click on the icons below to view examples of our initiatives.
Stakeholder Engagement
We conduct its business activities within the framework of various relationships with stakeholders. To continue being an enterprise trusted by its stakeholders, we will put their opinions and requests to work in our corporate management to ensure we are responding to the expectations and demands of society.
Specific Communication Tools for Each Type of Stakeholder
For stakeholders | Main methods of engagement |
Shareholders and investors
Local communities
Referenced Guidelines
- United Nations Global Compact (joined in from August 2013)
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)
- Keidanren (Japanese Business Federation) Charter of Corporate Behavior
- ISO26000
- GRI Standards
- International Integrated Reporting Framework