Human Resources
Corporate activities are supported by each and every employee.
We ensure a work environmnet where all employees and workers can exercise their unique character and talents and feel motivated.
Human Rights
The basic stance of the Obayashi Group is to "value each person with a stake in our business," as stated in the Obayashi Philosophy. We regard respect for human rights that leads to the advancement of diverse human resources as an important mission and our corporate social responsibility, and we are striving to be a company that recognizes the importance of each person. We follow the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and take initiatives to respect human rights.
Obayashi Group Human Rights Policy
The Obayashi Philosophy states the Obayashi Group's mission in society, which is to "value each person with a stake in our business." In addition, the Obayashi Code of Conduct provides concrete guidelines for us to follow. Together, these statements show how we contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
The Obayashi Group Human Rights Policy ("the Policy") is based on our belief that respect for human rights, the basic rights that all people should enjoy, is synonymous with practicing the Obayashi Philosophy. By establishing the Policy and by conducting our business activities, we fulfill our responsibility to respect the human rights of all people.
Scope of Application
The Policy applies to all Obayashi Group officers and employees, including regular employees, seconded employees, and employees accepted on assignment. We also expect all our business partners and suppliers to support and comply with the Policy.
Compliance with Norms, Laws, and Regulations Concerning Respect for Human Rights
The Obayashi Group supports and respects international norms of human rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO (International Labour Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We also respect the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact as a signatory company, follow the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and take initiatives to respect human rights.
We comply with laws and regulations of each country or administrative region in which we conduct our business activities. If national or regional laws and regulations differ from international norms of human rights, we follow whichever has the higher standards, and if there is a conflict between them, we seek ways to respect international norms of human rights.
Respecting Human Rights in All Business Activities
The Obayashi Group undertakes initiatives to respect human rights. Through these initiatives, we endeavor to avoid infringing others' human rights and work to prevent and minimize any negative impacts on human rights in our business activities.
Members of the Obayashi Group recognize and accept each other's diversity, unique character, and talents. We do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, age, place of origin, disability, injury or illness, physical characteristics, and the like. We furthermore do not engage in harassment or any other acts that infringe human rights. We also strictly avoid complicity with any form of child labor, forced labor, or human trafficking and infringement of the human rights of foreign workers and others. We respect freedom of association and collective bargaining rights and strive to improve on poor working and living environments and to establish better work conditions.
If there are negative impacts on human rights at a business partner or supplier in the course of business activities, we urge the relevant personnel not to infringe human rights and work with them to make improvements.
Human Rights Due Diligence
The Obayashi Group establishes systems for human rights due diligence and continually practices it to fulfill our human rights responsibilities.
Human rights due diligence includes specifying, preventing, and mitigating actual and potential negative impacts on human rights in our business activities and value chains and integrating the measures that we take into our internal processes.
Correction and Remedies
If the Obayashi Group has caused or is found to have been complicit in negative impacts on human rights, we take appropriate measures to correct and remedy the situation.
Education and Training
The Obayashi Group integrates the Policy into all necessary procedures to ensure the Policy becomes firmly established in all business activities. We also provide appropriate education and training to all officers and employees to ensure that they sufficiently understand the Policy.
Dialog and Consultation with Stakeholders
The Obayashi Group practices dialog and consultation with relevant stakeholders on the impacts that our business activities have on human rights.
Information Disclosure
The Obayashi Group uses our website and other means to report on our initiatives to respect human rights as based on the Policy.
Established June 1, 2011
Revised September 1, 2021
Obayashi Corporation
Human Resource Management
The Obayashi Group believes it is essential to value each person with a stake in its business, as stated in the Obayashi Philosophy, because it is the strength of each and every employee that supports companies. Based on a corporate culture that embraces diversity and mutual respect, we have established "developing and retaining human resources" and "ensuring occupational health and safety" as material ESG issues for the Group, and initiatives are in place to address those issue.
Our HR strategy is an important element of the platform development strategy of Obayashi Group Medium-Term Business Plan 2022. In December 2022, the Obayashi Group Human Resource Management Policy was formulated to improve employee engagement and well-being. We will strive to provide professional growth opportunities and create rewarding workplaces for our employees as part of our quest to improve corporate value by maximizing individual and organizational performance.
Obayashi Group Human Resource Management Policy
Obayashi Group Human Resource Management Policy
Reaching one's full potential while staying safe and healthy
We will build a healthy workplace where mutual respect and trust allow for constructive discussions.
Securing attractive diverse talent
Through multiple hiring opportunities, we will employ people with diverse abilities and experiences and offer them a place where they can achieve their full potential.
Making everyone enjoy learning and grow together
Emphasize the value of workplace conversations and develop a mindset in employees that their work and work environment are opportunities for growth. We will support skill and knowledge acquisition to fulfill their curiosity and ambition. We will also offer training, overseas study programs, and talent exchange programs to drive our employees to develop their abilities and career paths proactively.
Dynamic individuals, effective teams
We will allocate human resources appropriately based on the individual's ability, aptitude, and career progression to ensure we respect the individual while maximizing business execution organizational ability.
Rewarding contribution to the company
We will establish and implement fair assessment and treatment systems based on the job, responsibility, and ability in order to maintain and enhance each employee's motivation while rewarding in a timely manner those who contribute to the Obayashi Group's performance as well as medium- to long-term growth.
Through these initiatives, the Obayashi Group will develop human resources personnel who identify with the company vision and are driven to seize opportunities and collaborate with others to achieve their full potential. And together, we will pave the way for a prosperous future for our society.
Established December 8, 2022
Obayashi Corporation