Initiatives to Respect Human Rights
Conducting Human Rights Due Diligence
We conduct human rights due diligence through our Human Rights Expert Committee (chaired by the officer in charge of human resources) and the Supply Chain Management Expert Committee (chaired by the head of the Procurement Division) on the executive side. These committees also strive to resolve human rights issues across our supply chains, and to promote human rights awareness.
Since formulating the Human Rights Policy in FY2011, we have promoted various initiatives relating to human rights due diligence and worked to put systems in place. Then, in FY2022 we created a medium-term roadmap for the whole Group. In line with the roadmap, in FY2023 we started trials to expand our initiatives to our Group companies in Japan and to conduct human rights monitoring of our major business segments with a view to establishing systems. We continue to promote initiatives for upholding human rights based on the roadmap.
Main human rights issues:
Child labor, forced labor and human trafficking, reasonable consideration of people who are subject to discrimination or are in a vulnerable position, harassment, poor work and living environments, establishment of appropriate labor conditions, ensuring building and structure safety, infringement of the lives and health of local residents, and infringement of privacy rights.
【Progress of Human Rights Due Diligence】
Obayashi Group Initiatives | Supply Chain Management (Promotion of CSR Procurement) |
FY2011 | The Obayashi Corporation Human Rights Policy was established. | The Obayashi Corporation CSR Procurement Policy and Guidelines were established. | ||
FY2019 | Priority human rights issues were identified. | The Obayashi Corporation CSR Procurement Guidelines questionnaire survey started. | ||
FY2020 | ・Message from the President was distributed to all Group employees. Conducted a status survey (Obayashi Corporation). | ・Renamed the Obayashi Corporation CSR Procurement Policy and Guidelines to the Obayashi Group CSR Procurement Policy and Guidelines. | ||
FY2021 | ・Renamed and revised the Obayashi Corporation Human Rights Policy to the Obayashi Group Human Rights Policy. ・Conducted a status survey (Group companies in Japan). ・The Human Rights Expert Committee was established. |
・Traceability surveys started (lumber procured overseas, solar panels). ・The Supply Chain Management Expert Committee was established. |
FY2022 | ・Conducted a status survey (group companies overseas). ・The roadmap for conducting human rights due diligence was established. |
・Conducted a survey on the employment status of foreign workers. | ||
FY2023 | ・Expanded initiatives to Group companies in Japan (Confirmed widespread awareness of the Obayashi Group CSR Procurement Guidelines and conducted a survey on the employment status of foreign workers and foreign technical intern trainees and interviews).
Piloted human rights monitoring to key business division. |
・Communicating the Obayashi Group CSR Procurement Policy throughout supply chain of group companies. |
PDCA Cycle on Human Rights Due Diligence
Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we operate a PDCA cycle on human rights: identifying and assessing negative impact, preventing and mitigating negative impact, monitoring, and disclosing information and providing explanations.
P Identify and assess negative impacts on human rights
To better identify and assess major human rights issues, we first categorized our business and supply chain according to the Group's main business segments, namely the construction business, real estate development business, and new business initiatives mainly related to renewable energy, and then proceeded to identify the risks for individual stakeholders. Next, we took such steps as referring to reports from national governments and NGOs in individual countries and obtaining expert advice, then began assessing identified risks. These efforts have helped identify the human rights issues that we need to prioritize in relation to stakeholders (significant human rights issues).
D Prevent and mitigate negative impacts on human rights
An Occupational Health and Safety Management System is used in our main construction business to help establish appropriate working environments. The management system pursues the important goals of "improving health and safety management skills and providing better education" and "promoting creation of an environment that takes health into consideration," both of which are designed to help improve working environments.
Obayashi conducts questionnaire surveys across the supply chain every fiscal year to confirm the widespread awareness and acceptance of the Obayashi Group CSR Procurement Guidelines. We send individual feedback to each company that responds to the questionnaires and encourage them to improve their initiatives for preventing and mitigating any negative impacts on the identified human rights issues.
C Monitor and assess effectiveness
In operating the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, we establish specific measures designed to achieve the above-mentioned goals, operate a PDCA cycle, and regularly monitor implementation. This is all part of our overall aim to continuously improve our health and safety management activities. Furthermore, our Human Rights Expert Committee and our Supply Chain Management Expert Committee monitor human rights due diligence initiatives and CSR procurement in the supply chain on a regular basis, and enhance the effectiveness of those initiatives by introducing improvements across all departments.
A Explain and disclose
The latest initiatives and metrics are published on the Obayashi Corporation website and in corporate reports each fiscal year. We have also issued statements to address laws on modern slavery in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada,* where the Group conducts business.
Response to Modern Slavery Act
- *A statement responding to Canada's new Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act was issued by local subsidiary, Kenaidan Group.
Raising Awareness of Human Rights
The Human Rights Expert Committee chaired by the executive officer responsible for human resources meets annually, and additionally from time to time as necessary, and takes initiatives to raise human rights awareness in keeping with the Obayashi Group Human Rights Policy.
This committee raises awareness of human rights according to issues in response to the business area and regional characteristics for the purpose of the prevention of violation of human rights and the identification and solution of human rights issues. For example, it reviews the state of human rights awareness training and drafts future training plans. In addition, it tackles mental health care, works to prevent harassment and promotes the employment of people with disabilities.
To ensure respect for human rights, we are striving to spread the "Obayashi Group Human Rights Policy" to be understood by everyone involved in our business. In addition to disseminating the policy internally and externally by posting it on the intranet and website, all Group employees are regularly informed of the policy through training sessions held at least once a year. For suppliers, in addition to the Obayashi Group Human Rights Policy, items related to respect for human rights are clearly described in the Obayashi Group CSR Procurement Guidelines. We are working to make the Guidelines known to all business acquaintances to seek their understanding and support.
Human Rights Awareness Training
Obayashi provides human rights awareness training for all employees and officers of the Group to actively address human rights issues. The focus of the training themes depends on the level of personnel. These training sessions take up familiar human rights themes such as harassment, sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), people with disabilities, integration issues, foreign workers, diversity and inclusion, discrimination, or themes in international human rights in light of global trends in business and human rights such as the publication of ISO 26000(*1), formulation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We set themes from various human rights issues and hold education in conjunction with workplace corporate ethics training to train all our employees. Executive training is also conducted on themes such as for the prevention of harassment and respect for human rights, and includes Group companies.
To actively promote human rights due diligence going forward, in addition to regular human rights training which is held each year, online training regarding business and human rights was conducted in FY2021 with a message from the President addressing all officers and employees of the entire Group.
In FY2023, we also conducted e-learning for all Group employees on issues relating specifically to procurement of construction materials from the perspective of respect for human rights and environmental protection (94.1% participation rate). We convey information about our human rights policy and help desks in these training sessions toensure full employee awareness and understanding.
*1 ISO26000
The guidance on social responsibility standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in November 2010
Measures against Harassment
We are proactively working to eradicate harassment under the leadership of the Harassment Prevention Department that serves as the department specialized in these measures.
We issued the Harassment Prevention Guidelines, which specifically describe the company's policy regarding harassment and the definition of harassment. It describes various forms of harassment that may occur in the workplace, such as sexual harassment, harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, nursing care leave, and workplace bullying. We ensure these guidelines are well-known to not only all our executives and employees but also to our entire Group. In addition, e-learning sessions on topics related to harassment are conducted annually for all employees, and posters and handouts are regularly displayed and distributed.
Human Rights Week Activities
December 10, the day on which the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has become a day to commemorate this internationally as Human Rights Day. The week from December 4 to 10 every year is designated as Human Rights Week in connection with this day in Japan.
We ask employees of the Obayashi Group and their families for slogans to raise awareness of human rights for Human Rights Week every year.We post excellent suggestions on posters.
Our main and branch offices also work to raise awareness of human rights among our employees during Human Rights Week. For example, they give training under the theme of human rights.
Consultation Desks for Human Rights
We have set up help desks for consultation and whistleblowing both inside and outside the Company based on our Corporate Ethics Consultation and Reporting System to serve as contact points for people seeking assistance on human rights-related issues. We have also set up a contact point dedicated to harassment-related matters.
We accept inquiries from the business stakeholders of the Obayashi Group (employees, temporary workers, employees we have accepted on secondment, part-timers and suppliers) at the desk of the Corporate Ethics Consultation and Reporting System.
We accept inquiries from business stakeholders of the Obayashi Group in the same way at our Harassment Consultation Desk.
In addition, we also accept inquiries about harassment from jobseekers in our recruiting activities.
In FY2024, we adopted JP-MIRAI Assist, a consultation and remedy service for foreign workers in multiple languages operated by General Incorporated Association JP-MIRAI, to improve the working and living environments of non-Japanese workers including foreign technical intern trainees engaged in the Obayashi Group's operations in Japan.
We even accept inquiries anonymously. We promptly respond in line with the consultation desk response rules upon providing complete protection so that those making inquiries are not treated unfairly. In addition, we ensure these consultation desks are widely known about inside and outside of the company.For instance, we have posters and a website with details of our consultation desks.
Number of Consultations and reports in FY 2023:272
* Including whistleblowing on such issues as legal violations not related to human rights
【List of contacts for inquiries】
Responsible Department | Purpose and Intent | target | way | |
Corporate Ethics Consultation and Reporting Desk | General Administration Department Audit & Supervisory Board Department | Internal reporting regarding human rights in general | Obayashi Group business associates | Phone, e-mail, fax, mail |
Harassment Consultation Desk | Harassment Prevention Department | Harassment Consultation and Reporting | Phone, e-mail | |
Job-seeker harassment consultation desk | Consultations, complaints, and questions regarding harassment in Obayashi's recruiting activities (including voluntary visits to alumni and alumnae) | Job Seekers to Obayashi Corporation | ||
Contact Us | Corporate Communications Department | General Inquiries | Obayashi Group business associates | Contact Us Form |
Initiatives for Labor Issues
In accordance with the Obayashi Group Human Rights Policy, Obayashi Corporation is committed to respecting the human rights of its employees through the following initiatives, including the establishment of working conditions based on various laws and regulations. In addition, these items are clearly described in the Obayashi Group CSR Procurement Guidelines to ensure compliance by business partners.
Prevention of child labor
Obayashi Corporation recruits only those who are 18 years of age or older. When accepting young workers from subcontractors at construction sites in Japan, we have set age limits based on the Labor Standards Act, and we appropriately manage the workforce to ensure that no one under the age of 18 is engaged in night work or hazardous work.
Prevention of forced labor
We always require applicants to apply for employment, and we conduct at least one employment screening process. We present working conditions and working rules to applicants and employ them with their consent.
Correction of long working hours
Obayashi is making efforts to reduce total working hours by creating an environment and raising awareness for systematic use of leave and reduction of overtime work.
Guarantee of living wage
We comply with the minimum wage set in Japan (or in each country where we operate overseas) and set the wage at an amount that is actually livable, taking into account price levels and lifestyles.
Labor-management Initiatives (Dialogue with employee representatives)
We respect the basic rights of employees and have established labor conditions based on various laws and regulations. We also respect our employees' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, and have concluded a labor agreement. With the exception of managerial level staff, all of our 7,134 employees are union members. (100% of employees who are eligible are enrolled in the labor union.)
Our employees union hold conferences to discuss wide range of issues such as reducing overall working hours, creating a comfortable workplace environment to promote health management. Union members from each workplace report their opinions. By discussing effective improvements based on those opinions, we work to improve workplace and employment conditions.
Also, a survey of employees is also conducted regarding their degree of satisfaction. These results are reported on the Intranet and also are published for all employees. Systems to raise the satisfaction of employees are always being revised, etc., based on such opinions.
Related Information
Response to Modern Slavery Act
Participation in the United Nations Global Compact
We joined the UN Global Compact in August 2013. The UN Global Compact supports ten principles relating to the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. We will promote our business activities with a high sense of responsibility and global perspective in order to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. We are also signatories to the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs).