Shield Tunneling Technology
Aiming for the leading edge of Shield Tunnel Technology
Fifty years have passed since Obayashi Corporation started to engage in shield tunnel construction and the closed-type shield tunneling method, which is indispensable for shield tunnel construction, was introduced to Japan. The shield tunnel construction technology has improved dramatically in those years. Based on the achievements and experience of more than 600 projects in Japan and abroad, Obayashi Corporation is committed to the research and development of new technologies, integrating the skills and experience of its predecessors.
(Available only in Japanese.)
Special Shield

Shield tunneling technology Energy-Saving Shield®
The double cutter method implements high-speed tunneling and energy-saving of the shield machine.

Shield machine above-ground launching and above-ground arrival URUP Method®
For rapid underpass construction

Split construction for large-section tunnels Free section split method
By minimizing the impact on the ground surface, tunnels with economical cross-sections and alignments are built.

Removal of an existing tunnel Backfill Shield®
Existing shield tunnels can be removed with a non-open-cut method.

Sewage shield tunneling using segments combined with secondary lining Compact Shield Tunneling method
Cost reduction and process shortening for small-diameter shield tunneling
Excavation Technology

Shield tunneling technology Simultaneous tunneling system by ASC-OM
Simultaneous tunneling and assembly significantly shorten the construction period.

Shield tunneling management technology Soil flow management technology in the chamber
Safe and stable shield excavation is made possible by real-time management using an in-chamber visualization system apparatus.

Cutting face stabilization Rheological Foam Shield Tunneling method
Ground deformation is restrained and stable shield tunneling is enabled.

Long-distance tunneling Telespoke Bit Method® (Telescopic Bit Change Method)
Safe bit replacement, long-distance excavation, and shortened construction period are implemented.

Long-distance tunneling technology LL Bit
Long Life of shield machine cutter bits enables longer-distance tunneling and shortened construction period.

Shield tunneling management technology Soil removal mechanism for boulders
It prevents tunneling stoppage due to unexpected appearances of boulders and secures the process.
Lining Technology

Steel fiber reinforced segment High Performance SFRC Segments®
Steel fiber reinforcement improves durability and structural performance.

Protection of tunnel space from fire Fire-resistant high performance SFRC segments
Protects tunnel space from fire

RC segment with smooth intrados One-Pass Segment®
Omission of secondary lining and fast construction is implemented.

Composite segment SBL (Steel Beam Lining) segment
It is a segment with an excellent composite structure and high watertightness.

Intrados covering Anchor sheet segment method®
Wear and corrosion resistance improve the durability of tunnels.

Shield segment Cleancrete® segment
This is a low carbon type shield segment.
Peripheral Technology

Automated shield tunnel surveying systemOGENTS/SURVEY™
Automation of tunnel surveying improves productivity.

Key technology of shield automatic operation system OGENTS/DRIVE™ Shield 3D alignment control system
The quality of shield tunnels by three-dimensional alignment control using 3D models is improved.

Self-alignment control system of Shield Machine by AI, Component Technology of OGENTS/DRIVE Self-alignment control system of the shield with AI
Enables tunneling along the planned alignment regardless of the operator's skill

Shield tunneling management Segment roundness measuring device
The quality of the segment ring is improved.

Machine maintenance Roller cutter wear detection device
Prevents process delay by controlling cutter wear

Shield tunneling management technology Grease line foreign matter inclusion monitoring device
Damage to soil seal by entering foreign matters is prevented, and its soundness is maintained.

Tail Seal Grease SEALNOC CR
Segment quality is improved with the high water tightness of the tail seal.

Permeable backfill grouting material Permeable backfill grouting material
Prevents breakup of groundwater flow during shield tunneling

Soil contamination countermeasure Iron powder cleansing
R-CUBIC® soil cleansing system (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) removes contaminated soil (dehydrated cake) consisting of fine-grain soil and collects purified soil (coarse-grained soil).

Soil contamination countermeasure HISOGUARD®
Chemicals are stirred and mixed according to the contamination condition and are insolubilized (insolubilization method).For arsenic-contaminated soil, there is also a technology that makes it possible to insolubilize, ensuring ground strength and maintaining pH neutrality in a single process is possible. (HISOGUARD®).

Restrain of ground deformation Geo-Flex Beam®
Ground deformation is restrained in shield construction with small overburden.

Muck removal in shield tunneling U-turn type continuous belt conveyor
The belt twisting device eliminates the need for a relay conveyor.

Active vibration control system for shield machines Yurena Shield™ (Less shaking Shield Machine)
It reduces the vibration of shield machine tunneling and its negative influence on the surrounding environment.

Environmentally friendly grease material for shield machines SEALNOC BD
Biodegradable tail seal grease with high water sealing and pumping performance.

Underground obstacle cutting management technology Obstacle cutting load detection system using Acoustic Emission
It suppresses the load and impact during cutting and reliably cuts the obstacles.

Excavated soil management technology Physical property measurment system for excavated soil in the chamber
In mud pressure shield, it measures the "wet density" and "water content" of excavated soil in real time.

Shield tunneling management technology Wear detection bits using color and odor
It prevents problems caused by cutter bits by vision and smell.