Pollution Prevention / Noise and Vibration Measures
Pollution Prevention
Existing buildings may use toxic chemical substances such as asbestos. Even in new construction works, chemical substances may be emitted from the construction materials used and cause health problems. The Obayashi Group strives to prevent pollution through appropriate management of chemical substances.
Initiatives to Prevent Pollution
Before starting construction works, our marketing department prepares a check sheet on environmental risks and shares with concerned parties the information they have on management methods and risks of toxic chemical substances at the construction commencement meeting and so on. In construction sites, we offer training and study meetings as needed and endeavor to prevent pollution through proper management using check sheets and manuals.
Treatment of Toxic Substances
Asbestos is used in various construction materials and requires especially strict measures if it can be dispersed. Obayashi has developed internal workflows for different levels of works according to the risk of dispersion and carries out works under a watertight system based on prior research.
The collection, transport, and disposal of all asbestos-related waste materials are carried out appropriately through the authorized vendors as asbestos waste and so on (specially controlled industrial waste) or industrial waste containing asbestos.
・ PCB, dioxin, CFC/halon
PCB, dioxin, and halon will have a serious impact if they enter human bodies. In addition, the dispersion of CFC will destruct the ozone layer and cause global warming.
These substances are contained in facilities, equipment, and so on and managed and disposed of appropriately according to relevant laws and regulations.
Appropriate Use of Chemical Substances
Sick house
Chemical substances such as formaldehyde and VOC that cause sick house syndrome are dispersed from construction materials and so forth. Obayashi selects materials that have zero or small dispersion and ensures that concentration levels of these hazardous materials do not exceed the legally permitted levels at the time of their delivery to customers using Obayashi's own manuals and check lists and performing reliable measures.
In addition, we ensure that no health damage is inflicted during the construction process by providing adequate ventilation.
Noise and Vibration Measures
While noise and vibration are unavoidable in construction works, they could impact the wellness of nearby residents. The Obayashi Group therefore strives to minimize the impact of noise and vibration in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Noise and Vibration Measures in Construction Works
・ Install noise and vibration meters
We install noise and vibration meters on top of the temporary enclosures to constantly measure noise and vibration levels. If the noise or vibration levels measured exceed the stipulated maximum levels, we will suspend works temporarily and take recurrence prevention measures before resuming works.

・Install soundproof sheets and panels
We endeavor to reduce noise by installing soundproof panels in demolition works and so on.
・Use low-noise, low-vibration construction machinery
We proactively use low-noise, low-vibration (or ultra low-noise, ultra low-vibration) and electric construction machinery.

Relevant Data
We disclose the volume of asbestos disposed of, emissions of SOX and NOX, and the handling volume of chemical substances, among other data.